Keyword Index


  • Agatha Christie The Play-within-the-play Parody in Tom Stoppard’s The Real Inspector Hound [Volume 45, October - December (B), 2017, Pages 376-396]
  • Akimoto Matsio Criticism of authoritarian practices leading to individual subjectivism A practical study of "Kaisen, the priest of Hiachi" by Akimoto Matsio [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 236-261]
  • American drama post 9/11- cultural hybridity- historiographic metatheatre Post 9/11 American Dramas: A Postmodern Postcolonial Study of Wajahat Ali’s The Domestic Crusaders and John Shanley’s Dirty Story [Volume 45, January - March (C), 2017, Pages 508-531]
  • American movies Cultural values presented in American movies (Analytical Study) [Volume 45, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 401-422]
  • Apray Qor Pagha Hai (Compositional Structure in Apray Qor Pagha Hai: A Collection of Very Short Stories by Javad Saeedipur [Volume 45, July - September (B), 2017, Pages 103-120]
  • Arabic grammar The Influence of Dun and Dun's Style on the Achievement of Arabic Grammar in the Fourth Grade Students [Volume 45, April - June (A), 2017, Pages 49-87]
  • Aversion The Role of Social Service in Addressing Social Problems Aversion for Teenager [Volume 45, October - December (B), 2017, Pages 283-298]


  • Bedouin architecture The characteristics of the human architecture in the view of Ibn Khaldoun ' a comparative study: the Bedouin and the urban' [Volume 45, April - June (B), 2017, Pages 261-281]
  • Behavioral Effects The Role of Online Newspapers in Forming Acquaintances of Youth towards Political Islam "Field Study" [Volume 45, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 167-186]
  • Beyhaq The Geographic Frame for the city of Beyhaq [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 293-313]


  • Caricature Image legislative elite in caricature in the Egyptian private newspapers during the period from 2011 to 2012 Analytical Study of El-Shoruk Newspapers, El- Tahrir and Almasry Alyoum [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 282-292]
  • Cognitive Effects The Role of Online Newspapers in Forming Acquaintances of Youth towards Political Islam "Field Study" [Volume 45, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 167-186]
  • Cohesion Reference as a means of cohesion, and its semantic role in illness poetry [Volume 45, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 449-480]
  • Cohesion Devices Reference as a means of cohesion, and its semantic role in illness poetry [Volume 45, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 449-480]
  • Contemporary Novel Image of Death in Contemporary Gulf Novel [Volume 45, January - March (A), 2017, Pages 1-21]
  • Cultural values Cultural values presented in American movies (Analytical Study) [Volume 45, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 401-422]


  • Dan and Dan The Influence of Dun and Dun's Style on the Achievement of Arabic Grammar in the Fourth Grade Students [Volume 45, April - June (A), 2017, Pages 49-87]
  • Death Image of Death in Contemporary Gulf Novel [Volume 45, January - March (A), 2017, Pages 1-21]
  • Dedos de Dátiles Las Manifestaciones del Conflicto Humano en La Novela "Dedos de Dátiles"del Autor Iraquí Muhsin Al-Ramli. [Volume 45, October - December (c), 2017, Pages 474-487]
  • Demographic Component Demographic Component Contents in the Islamic Religious Discourse: Analytical Study of a sample of Official Friday Sermon [Volume 45, January - March (C), 2017, Pages 127-158]
  • Deviant behavior Social dimensions of the crime of prostitution in Egyptian society: Sociological Study on Female Sample in Alexandria City [Volume 45, October - December (B), 2017, Pages 265-284]
  • Displacements The situation of Syrian Women as refugees in Egyptian society A field study on a sample of Syrian Women as refugees in Egypt [Volume 45, July - September (A), 2017, Pages 75-106]
  • Drainage – Gargoyle Architectural Features of Adaptations to Rain in Ancient Egypt (New Kingdom Examples) [Volume 45, October - December (c), 2017, Pages 438-453]
  • Drama Metatheatre in the Arabic drama in the second half of the twentieth century (Al Farafeer selected sample) [Volume 45, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 387-400]


  • Egypt The Cold War and Middle East – the principle of Eisenhower as an example [Volume 45, July - September (A), 2017, Pages 139-156]
  • Eisenhower The Cold War and Middle East – the principle of Eisenhower as an example [Volume 45, July - September (A), 2017, Pages 139-156]
  • Emotional Effects The Role of Online Newspapers in Forming Acquaintances of Youth towards Political Islam "Field Study" [Volume 45, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 167-186]
  • Erroneous Construction of Sentences Types of Pragmalinguistic Errors in the Essays of University EFL Learners [Volume 45, January - Marsh (B), 2017, Pages 406-438]
  • Error analysis The Acquisition of English Relativization by Iraqi EFL Learners [Volume 45, April - June (A), 2017, Pages 300-312]


  • Fahd Al Askar Psychological alienation At Fahd Al Askar [Volume 45, April - June (c), 2017, Pages 216-230]
  • Financial and administrative corruption- Mechanisms and strategies identify the perception of civil society institutions of the phenomenon of financial and administrative corruption and mechanisms of its reduction Afield study on some civil society institutions in Menoufia governorate [Volume 45, January - March (C), 2017, Pages 269-306]


  • Gender based violence Social dimensions of the crime of prostitution in Egyptian society: Sociological Study on Female Sample in Alexandria City [Volume 45, October - December (B), 2017, Pages 265-284]
  • Grammatical Justification The grammatical Justification between Al Khaleel and the grammarians, (A systematic vision in light of the modern linguistic lesson) [Volume 45, October - December (B), 2017, Pages 401-461]
  • Gulf Novel Image of Death in Contemporary Gulf Novel [Volume 45, January - March (A), 2017, Pages 1-21]


  • Hadrian “A Study Of The Peleus And Thetis Marriage Sarcophagus In The Villa Albani, Rome”. [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 152-164]
  • Haskala Post-mémoire et réécriture de l’Histoire dans Mémorial de Cécile Wajsbrot [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 333-350]
  • Hassidisme Post-mémoire et réécriture de l’Histoire dans Mémorial de Cécile Wajsbrot [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 333-350]
  • Hopkins On Reconsidering Poets in Relation to Poetic Movements: Gerard Manley Hopkins as an Example [Volume 45, January - Marsh (B), 2017, Pages 358-379]
  • Human Trafficking Crimes of slavery and sexual violence ... reasons ... dimensions (Analytical study / Iraqi society model) [Volume 45, October - December (B), 2017, Pages 1-29]


  • Illness poetry Reference as a means of cohesion, and its semantic role in illness poetry [Volume 45, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 449-480]
  • Imagery Patterns of Deviation in the Poetry of Ibn Abdoun Al Yabri [Volume 45, October - December (B), 2017, Pages 127-145]
  • Influence Al'uslub Alhijajiu Lilhiwar Fi Surat Ghafir (A trading approach) [Volume 45, April - June (B), 2017, Pages 326-343]
  • Institutions of civil society identify the perception of civil society institutions of the phenomenon of financial and administrative corruption and mechanisms of its reduction Afield study on some civil society institutions in Menoufia governorate [Volume 45, January - March (C), 2017, Pages 269-306]
  • Interpellation Criticism of authoritarian practices leading to individual subjectivism A practical study of "Kaisen, the priest of Hiachi" by Akimoto Matsio [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 236-261]
  • Intervention [program Effectiveness of a Behavioral Treatment Program to Reduce Severe Stuttering among a Jordanian Sample in Gifted Students [Volume 45, April - June (A), 2017, Pages 187-214]


  • Japanese theatre Criticism of authoritarian practices leading to individual subjectivism A practical study of "Kaisen, the priest of Hiachi" by Akimoto Matsio [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 236-261]
  • Javad Saeedipur (Compositional Structure in Apray Qor Pagha Hai: A Collection of Very Short Stories by Javad Saeedipur [Volume 45, July - September (B), 2017, Pages 103-120]


  • Khorasan The Geographic Frame for the city of Beyhaq [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 293-313]
  • Khsrougrd The Geographic Frame for the city of Beyhaq [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 293-313]


  • L1 Influence Types of Pragmalinguistic Errors in the Essays of University EFL Learners [Volume 45, January - Marsh (B), 2017, Pages 406-438]
  • L1 Transfer Types of Pragmalinguistic Errors in the Essays of University EFL Learners [Volume 45, January - Marsh (B), 2017, Pages 406-438]
  • Linguistic Structures Role of Koranic Reading in Transferring Structures Between Sentence and Syntactic Method [Volume 45, January - March (A), 2017, Pages 72-98]


  • Middle East The Cold War and Middle East – the principle of Eisenhower as an example [Volume 45, July - September (A), 2017, Pages 139-156]
  • Modernización Las Manifestaciones del Conflicto Humano en La Novela "Dedos de Dátiles"del Autor Iraquí Muhsin Al-Ramli. [Volume 45, October - December (c), 2017, Pages 474-487]
  • Modern rhetoric Al'uslub Alhijajiu Lilhiwar Fi Surat Ghafir (A trading approach) [Volume 45, April - June (B), 2017, Pages 326-343]
  • Muhsin-al-Ramli Las Manifestaciones del Conflicto Humano en La Novela "Dedos de Dátiles"del Autor Iraquí Muhsin Al-Ramli. [Volume 45, October - December (c), 2017, Pages 474-487]


  • New Social Movements New social movements, and violence Research in Political Anthropology [Volume 45, July - September (c), 2017, Pages 130-175]
  • Night Allayl Fi Alshier Alruwmansii (analytical study critical) [Volume 45, April - June (B), 2017, Pages 380-403]
  • Nishapur The Geographic Frame for the city of Beyhaq [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 293-313]


  • Oedipus Complex Body Politics and Pathways to Terrorism, a Social Psychological Study of Philip Roth's American Pastoral [Volume 45, July - September (c), 2017, Pages 372-390]
  • Official Friday Sermon Demographic Component Contents in the Islamic Religious Discourse: Analytical Study of a sample of Official Friday Sermon [Volume 45, January - March (C), 2017, Pages 127-158]
  • Online Newspapers The Role of Online Newspapers in Forming Acquaintances of Youth towards Political Islam "Field Study" [Volume 45, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 167-186]


  • Partial lope Semantic memory from perspective of neuropsychology and its theoretical models: An article review [Volume 45, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 306-321]
  • Party Political Personality How political Parties use media in their political marketing campaigns (A comparative study between El Wafd and El Masreen El Ahrar Party) [Volume 45, April - June (c), 2017, Pages 231-253]
  • Patrianchy Social dimensions of the crime of prostitution in Egyptian society: Sociological Study on Female Sample in Alexandria City [Volume 45, October - December (B), 2017, Pages 265-284]
  • Peleus “A Study Of The Peleus And Thetis Marriage Sarcophagus In The Villa Albani, Rome”. [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 152-164]
  • Pilgrims Al'uslub Alhijajiu Lilhiwar Fi Surat Ghafir (A trading approach) [Volume 45, April - June (B), 2017, Pages 326-343]
  • Play within the play Metatheatre in the Arabic drama in the second half of the twentieth century (Al Farafeer selected sample) [Volume 45, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 387-400]
  • Poetry On Reconsidering Poets in Relation to Poetic Movements: Gerard Manley Hopkins as an Example [Volume 45, January - Marsh (B), 2017, Pages 358-379]
  • Political Islam The Role of Online Newspapers in Forming Acquaintances of Youth towards Political Islam "Field Study" [Volume 45, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 167-186]
  • Political Marketing How political Parties use media in their political marketing campaigns (A comparative study between El Wafd and El Masreen El Ahrar Party) [Volume 45, April - June (c), 2017, Pages 231-253]
  • Polyphony Arab Poetry Narrative Omar Bin Abi Rabia' Polyphony in ancient Arabic poetry The poem Omar bin Abi Rabia (Amn Aal Na'am) model [Volume 45, April - June (A), 2017, Pages 1-18]
  • Population Problem Demographic Component Contents in the Islamic Religious Discourse: Analytical Study of a sample of Official Friday Sermon [Volume 45, January - March (C), 2017, Pages 127-158]
  • Pragmalinguistic Errors Types of Pragmalinguistic Errors in the Essays of University EFL Learners [Volume 45, January - Marsh (B), 2017, Pages 406-438]
  • Pragmalinguistics Types of Pragmalinguistic Errors in the Essays of University EFL Learners [Volume 45, January - Marsh (B), 2017, Pages 406-438]
  • Pragmalinguistic Transfer Types of Pragmalinguistic Errors in the Essays of University EFL Learners [Volume 45, January - Marsh (B), 2017, Pages 406-438]
  • Prefrontal cortex Semantic memory from perspective of neuropsychology and its theoretical models: An article review [Volume 45, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 306-321]
  • Prostitution Social dimensions of the crime of prostitution in Egyptian society: Sociological Study on Female Sample in Alexandria City [Volume 45, October - December (B), 2017, Pages 265-284]
  • Psychological alienation Psychological alienation At Fahd Al Askar [Volume 45, April - June (c), 2017, Pages 216-230]


  • Qura'n Qira'at Role of Koranic Reading in Transferring Structures Between Sentence and Syntactic Method [Volume 45, January - March (A), 2017, Pages 72-98]


  • Rain- Roof- Water- Waterspout Architectural Features of Adaptations to Rain in Ancient Egypt (New Kingdom Examples) [Volume 45, October - December (c), 2017, Pages 438-453]
  • Roman art “A Study Of The Peleus And Thetis Marriage Sarcophagus In The Villa Albani, Rome”. [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 152-164]


  • Sabzevar (Spizawar) The Geographic Frame for the city of Beyhaq [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 293-313]
  • Sarcophagus “A Study Of The Peleus And Thetis Marriage Sarcophagus In The Villa Albani, Rome”. [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 152-164]
  • Self Body Politics and Pathways to Terrorism, a Social Psychological Study of Philip Roth's American Pastoral [Volume 45, July - September (c), 2017, Pages 372-390]
  • Self-literature Allayl Fi Alshier Alruwmansii (analytical study critical) [Volume 45, April - June (B), 2017, Pages 380-403]
  • Self reference Metatheatre in the Arabic drama in the second half of the twentieth century (Al Farafeer selected sample) [Volume 45, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 387-400]
  • Semantic memory Semantic memory from perspective of neuropsychology and its theoretical models: An article review [Volume 45, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 306-321]
  • Sexual Abuse Crimes of slavery and sexual violence ... reasons ... dimensions (Analytical study / Iraqi society model) [Volume 45, October - December (B), 2017, Pages 1-29]
  • Sexual Exploitation Social dimensions of the crime of prostitution in Egyptian society: Sociological Study on Female Sample in Alexandria City [Volume 45, October - December (B), 2017, Pages 265-284]
  • Socail Work and Socail Problems The Role of Social Service in Addressing Social Problems Aversion for Teenager [Volume 45, October - December (B), 2017, Pages 283-298]
  • Social Context The cultural structure in the maqamat Al-Hamdhani [Volume 45, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 1-19]
  • Society The role of civil society institutions in the development of the concepts of good citizenship to confront terrorism with Jordanian youth from the perspective of workers in those institutions [Volume 45, April - June (A), 2017, Pages 168-186]
  • Soviet Union The Cold War and Middle East – the principle of Eisenhower as an example [Volume 45, July - September (A), 2017, Pages 139-156]
  • Stuttering Effectiveness of a Behavioral Treatment Program to Reduce Severe Stuttering among a Jordanian Sample in Gifted Students [Volume 45, April - June (A), 2017, Pages 187-214]
  • Subjectification Criticism of authoritarian practices leading to individual subjectivism A practical study of "Kaisen, the priest of Hiachi" by Akimoto Matsio [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 236-261]
  • Syntactic Style Role of Koranic Reading in Transferring Structures Between Sentence and Syntactic Method [Volume 45, January - March (A), 2017, Pages 72-98]


  • Theatricality Metatheatre in the Arabic drama in the second half of the twentieth century (Al Farafeer selected sample) [Volume 45, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 387-400]
  • The Mousetrap The Play-within-the-play Parody in Tom Stoppard’s The Real Inspector Hound [Volume 45, October - December (B), 2017, Pages 376-396]
  • The Rape Crimes of slavery and sexual violence ... reasons ... dimensions (Analytical study / Iraqi society model) [Volume 45, October - December (B), 2017, Pages 1-29]
  • The Real Inspector Hound The Play-within-the-play Parody in Tom Stoppard’s The Real Inspector Hound [Volume 45, October - December (B), 2017, Pages 376-396]
  • The sentence of passive voice The sentence of passive voice Transformational study [Volume 45, October - December (B), 2017, Pages 228-249]
  • Thetis “A Study Of The Peleus And Thetis Marriage Sarcophagus In The Villa Albani, Rome”. [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 152-164]
  • Tom Stoppard The Play-within-the-play Parody in Tom Stoppard’s The Real Inspector Hound [Volume 45, October - December (B), 2017, Pages 376-396]
  • Tradición Las Manifestaciones del Conflicto Humano en La Novela "Dedos de Dátiles"del Autor Iraquí Muhsin Al-Ramli. [Volume 45, October - December (c), 2017, Pages 474-487]
  • Translation Competence Workplace-Oriented Definition of Translation Competence: An Empirical Study [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 314-332]
  • Translation Training and education Workplace-Oriented Definition of Translation Competence: An Empirical Study [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 314-332]


  • Visualization identify the perception of civil society institutions of the phenomenon of financial and administrative corruption and mechanisms of its reduction Afield study on some civil society institutions in Menoufia governorate [Volume 45, January - March (C), 2017, Pages 269-306]


  • Wedding “A Study Of The Peleus And Thetis Marriage Sarcophagus In The Villa Albani, Rome”. [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 152-164]


  • Youth Knowledge The Role of Online Newspapers in Forming Acquaintances of Youth towards Political Islam "Field Study" [Volume 45, Issue 14, 2017, Pages 167-186]


  • Zakhor Post-mémoire et réécriture de l’Histoire dans Mémorial de Cécile Wajsbrot [Volume 45, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 333-350]