Allayl Fi Alshier Alruwmansii (analytical study critical)

Document Type : Original Article



The night was filled with his expected home in the Arabic poems; which confirms that it is a poetic and inspiring theme of the imagination of the Arab creator. The Arab poets, including the old and the modern, addressed him, and most of the night appeared in romantic poetry. Why not? It is the forum of lovers if they meet, and their masculine, if they separate, and the phenomena of nature has been absorbed in a fluid flow, it is still in the romantic literature, and the most prominent features of romance drop their suffering and take off their feelings on the natural; But he did not see what he saw in others; they almost agreed in their view of the night, that he is inspiring and authoritative and creative creativity and literature; his poems came inlaid with the night and its effects on them, this research came to discuss the secrets of the night rhetorical, and literary in their poetry.
