Criticism of authoritarian practices leading to individual subjectivism A practical study of "Kaisen, the priest of Hiachi" by Akimoto Matsio

Document Type : Original Article



This study attempts to examine the problematic relationship of the individual and the society and to search for the possibility of rebelling against and resisting the authoritarian practices through an applied study of a play by the Japanese writer Akimoto Matsio, who has exposed such authoritarian practices of the state organs in various manifestations and emphasized the possibility of rebellion by highlighting different and rebelling voices against the dominant voice of power so The society's relationship with the individual is ambiguous, especially within the Japanese society which raises the value of the collective identity and rejects pluralism and individual traits, using ideological authorities and institutions to exercise power and oppression and to interpellates  individuals and integrate them within a specific and disciplined moral and ethical system they couldn't deviate from. These institutions have not hesitated to spread their authoritative discourse within their cultural, religious and educational material, resulting in a case of individual subjectivism.


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