The Geographic Frame for the city of Beyhaq

Document Type : Original Article



Research Subjectmatter:
A number of Islamic Cities have contributed in the establishment of the Islamic Civilization Edifice . Each City had its share in the contribution .The research tackles the study of one of those cities "Beyhaq " which is a big city at " Khorasan " , it is known by its special geographical site and its length as well as its Major works. The research also discusses the Islamic Invasion by the hands of the Muslim Leader " Al- A `swad ibn kalthoum Al- Adawy Al-Basry " in the era of  the wise caliph  `Uthman ibn Affan` .
Resarch Targets  :

Geographical Recognition for ` Beyhaq ` site .
Recognizing the Major works of `Behaq ` and the villages surrounding it.
Methods used in the Islamic Invasion of `Beyhaq ` .     

Research Methodology and Ways of Applying it  :
The research subjectmatter tackles a Geographic historical subject, thus , the researcher will present the historical approach in stating the historical events and the descriptive approach to portray a clear image to this city for its length and its Geographical site , besides , its major works . This will take place in complete objectivity in mentioning what has been said by the historians about this city .
The Major Conclusions arrived at by this Study :

` Beyhaq ` is one of the grand villages of Nishapur at Khorasan found as one of the four regions of the earth .
` Beyhaq `is divided into twelve sections , every section includes a number of villages .
`Beyhaq ` embraced  Islam in the era of ` Uthman ibn Affan `, unity in religion has spread after the first Islamic century .

Recommendations :
A study of the role of scientist and men of letters in establishing the Islamic Civilization Edifice over the ages .


Main Subjects