The role of civil society institutions in the development of the concepts of good citizenship to confront terrorism with Jordanian youth from the perspective of workers in those institutions

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed to identify the role of civil society institutions in the development of the concepts of citizenship are valid to confront terrorism with Jordanian youth from the perspective of workers in these institutions, in order to achieve the objectives of the study and answer questions was developed study tool (questionnaire), were confirmed validity and reliability, and formed the study sample (98) workers and dependents of workers in the institutions of civil society in Karak governorate. The study results showed that the level of the role of civil society institutions in the development of the concepts of citizenship are valid to confront terrorism with Jordanian youth from the perspective of workers in those institutions came moderately, as the results showed no statistically significant differences in the level of the role of civil society institutions in the concepts of good citizenship development differences to confront terrorism with Jordanian youth from the perspective of workers in those institutions are attributable to demographic variables
Based on the findings, the researcher has recommended a number of recommendations including: work on holding workshops, conferences and meetings to urge members of the community and the culture of democracy and reject the culture of extremism and intolerance in all its forms and types, and activating the role of peaceful dialogue frameworks. And work to consolidate human rights and the values ​​of citizenship and tolerance and the rejection of nervousness in courses in various aspects of the values ​​and activities of institutional work.


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