The sentence of passive voice Transformational study

Document Type : Original Article



Grammarians have considered the sentence of passive voice and explained the changes that happen to the sentence though it's derivation from the active one. Also, They have mentioned the elements that replace the omitted subject, for example: objects, adverbs,  infinitives, objects of the preposition… They have mentioned the changes that talk place to the verb  in passive voice as well.
However, there are many aspects that need to be reconsidered, like probability of  deletion, recovery and maintenance of the logical subject in another place of the sentence without deleting it, Variation  of Arabic sentence for transformation portability, These three focal points are the main concern of this study through adoption of transformative grammar as an attempt to  reach to descriptive and interpretive adequacy.
The research  is based on the application of descriptive and analytical approaches on Quran verses , poetry  as well as  the application of the interpreters and writers to provide an integrated linguistic description.
The most important results are: that the subject couldn't be deleted alone from the sentence, but also a number of grammatical functions -almost countless- associated to it either synthetically or semantically might remove with it like: agentives, adjectives, relative phrases,… The research also has explained that the Arabs have used two patterns form passive voice, the logical subject was appeared within one sentence or the text. It clarified as well the constrains  that should  be met in verbs, sentences to finish the process of derivation.
