The characteristics of the human architecture in the view of Ibn Khaldoun ' a comparative study: the Bedouin and the urban'

Document Type : Original Article



This study addresses the characteristics of  the human architecture in the view of IbnKhaldoun as a comparative study between the Bedouin and the urban. The study aimed at demonstrating the perspective that IbnKhaldoun introduced regarding the nature of the human architecture  by comparing the distinctive features and characteristics for the  Bedouin and the urban architecture that he mentioned in his introduction in order to identify the main features of  the human architecture . the importance of the research lies in achieving more organized analyses and ideas that describe  the human architecture clearly; therefore, provides us with a deeper understanding for IbnKhaldoun's view regarding the social reality which he experienced.  The researcher used the analytical descriptive approach by relying on the introduction of IbnKhaldoun as a basic source for information . The study showed that IbnKhaldoun is the only sociologist who addressed the Arabic society in terms of the social context, where he divided the Arabic human architecture into a social rural Bedouin architecture that is characterized by the severe racism and lack of handcrafts, as well as an urban architecture that  is characterized by the weak racism and plenty of handcrafts based on social economic factors that are in agreement with what is called for by the sociologists in the recent era, which still have a considerable similarity in the division despite the informative, technical , technological , educational , civil and urban development . However, some of the generalizations cited by IbnKhaldoun about Bedouin and urban architecture can't be applied in the recent time.


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