“A Study Of The Peleus And Thetis Marriage Sarcophagus In The Villa Albani, Rome”.

Document Type : Original Article



The Research Focused Peleus And ThetisWedding, WhichDepiction On The Roman Sarcophagus From The Villa Albani Collection In Rome, Which Dating To The Hadrian’s Period,As Second Century AD.
     The Research Follow Descriptive, Analytical Study, And FinallytheMost Important Results.
The Research Depended On Greek And Roman Sources, Arab And Foreign References,And The Foreign Specialized Journals.
The Most Important Search Results:
First: The Rarity Peleus And Thetis WeddingIn The Roman Art Compared To Greek Art Because It Doesn’t Refer To Holy Marriage, Which Was Desired By The Couple In The Eternal Life.
Second:The Romans Refused That Wedding of Peleus And Thetis Was Caused Of The Trojan War, And Their Acceptance Of The Idea Of The Inevitability Of Fate.
Third: Roman Art More Interesting Scenes Which Referring toThetis Care’s Achilles as His Mother.
Fourth:Perhaps This Sarcophagus Reflects The Interests Of Hadrian's Cultural And Philosophical.
Fifth: The Punishment oftheGods throughthePunishment ofPoseidon.
Sixth: The Importance of Eleusinian Mysteries.


Main Subjects