The Effect of Contemporary Social Changes on College Youth’s Consumerist Culture: A field study on the effect of modern communication technology

Document Type : Original Article



       This Study Tackles The Contemporary Social Changes , Especially What Concerns Globalization Culture And Its Effects On De Terminators And Consumption Patterns Of College Youth In Egyptian Society Specifically About The Effect Of Modern  Communication Technology.
        The Importance Of This Study Comes From The Fact That Consumption Culture Is A Kind Of Indicator To The Quality Of Life And The Effective And Influential Frame Of People In Societies Specifically Developing   Countries.
      The Goals And   Aims Of The Study Are About Identifying The Important Side Of Consumption Culture And Its De Terminators And Patterns In College Youth And The Effect Of Modern Communication Technology On This Culture.
      This Study Relied On Case Study Method Because It Is The Suitable Method Of This Current Study Especially The Analytic And Descriptive Side, In Order To Know The Effect Of Contemporary Social Changes Of College Youth’s Consumption Culture.
     This Study Depended On 40 Case Representing Study Community As In The Students Of Law Of Menofia University, At Shebin  El- Kom From May 2015 To August 2015 .
     This Study Came Up With A Number Of Conclusions, Among Which: There Are Many Deep Appearances For The Effect Of Communication Technology On Consumption Culture Of College Youth.
    In  Addition To The Reflection Of These Effect On The Identity And Privacy Of Egyptian Society Concerning Social Values, Personal Freedom, Social Relations, And Political, Culture, Economical Activities, Which At The End Supported The Huge Consumption Culture Of College Youth In The Egyptian Society.  

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