The community Satisfaction about The Performance of Serving Institution in Dakhalia Governorate in 2014

Document Type : Original Article



The current study seeks aims to: determining the extent of the community satisfaction about the performance of Dakhalia Governorate in 2014, determining the relationship between urbanization and ruralization and the extent of satisfaction about the performance of Dakhalia, determining the community satisfaction about the level of services at Dakhalia, trying to explain the community satisfaction and dissatisfaction about the prrformance of the governor and the level of services at the governorate, identifying the serving sectors at Dakhalia  governorate which caused a kind of suffering for the employers with regard to offering the services, determining the initiative of citizens in presenting their complains for the excutive authorities for the bad services presenting to users and trying to explain the causes of preventing these services from their users, determining the extent of governorate bodies response for the complains presenting from citizens.
This study is considered, the study depended on a random sample consists of (500) items from the governorate members for evalvating the performance of the various governorate bodies in 2014, the study used questionnaire from, and community study Dakhalia governorate centers since the sample was distributed to six of geographical sectors at the governorate as follows (manzala -meet ghamr- Mansoura -dekernis -bilqas and el senblween).
The recent study has reached some results as: the characteristics of the community study represent in that it is a male community and that couldn’t prevent the role of female especially for their interests and affairs or because of sperading the phenomena of spinsterhood, widow, divorce or the absence of husband for working abroad or any special conditions which caused the phenomenon of feminization of Egyptian family. increasing the educational level  of the study sample since the number of getting high qualifications and master and doctorate degrees about(47.2%). most of the study sample work in the governmental works since the percent of who work in the administrative body about (61.2%), this reflects a big level hiding unemployment. the sample of study realizes the challenges which face the  country in general and Dakhalia governorate in particular so the members of the study sample say we should make opportunities for a good performance and conditions. the sample of study refers to their awareness for the financial problem and the weakness of possibilities and  barriers and challenges which the country faces in the current conditions. They referred to the weakness of tourism and the transformations of the Egyptions from abroad and the instability on (25)January and (30)June.

Main Subjects