The Employment of Arabic Words for Complex Persian Verbs: An Application to Bhramshahy’s Kalila wa Dimna

Document Type : Original Article



                   After the Islamic conquest of Iran and fully using the Arabian Language through its letters as the Persians had learnt it to be able read the Quran in a right way. The Persians Language extremely booted and developed, its vocabulary became more comprehensive after using many of the Arabian words that reached to the top in the 6Th and the 7th   centuries   that reached up to seventy percent of it, the book called Kalila& Demna was the best example (Bahr Amshahy) as the most famous   Persian Monuments spread that were translated by Abu El Maaly Nasr Allah in the first half of the 6th century from Arabic into the Persian Language, he traced the steps of his age, much he used the Arabian words in the compound Persian verbs, then classification of the Arabian words was done according to an alphabetical letters in a statistical schedule that includes number from  the used Arabian words vis-à-vis to the Persian Language letters, Arabian words in the search were distributed according to Arabian Verbs,   The six-fold, quintet and quartet, qualities, or subject’s name, and object’s name .   

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