The role of media treatment of security issues of the websites of media organizations in spreading security awareness among Emirati youth

Document Type : Original Article



The security media plays a positive role in maintaining the security of the state, especially if it is guided by well thought out plans, values ​​and fundamentals to achieve more common understanding and close cooperation on the one hand and strengthen prevention and security efforts on the other hand, especially after the great development of the media and communication and the spread of satellite channels.
The research has been based on the theory of frameworks. The problem of research was to identify and analyzes the most important security issues mentioned in websites, and to measure the impact of these sites on raising awareness of the security issues among UAE youth, without forgetting the role and importance of gatekeeper. The research sample has been chosen   from the population of UAE youth in the age group (19 - 35 years). The sample size had 400 respondents.
 The data has been collected through a questioner.
The questionnaire has been corrected before applied it by a number of professors of media and statisticians. The experts recommend the coefficient of consistency for the questioner has been calculated. The research has relied on the personal interview technique for all data and information necessary for research. The results have showed that the hypotheses of research were valid. The study has recommended the necessity of spreading security awareness among young people to avoid the security problems facing the UAE society and coordination between the media institutions and the police institutions in the country on preparing a security strategy to spread the security culture among the segments of society.