Fire As a Means of Protection in The Other World in Ancient Egypt

Document Type : Original Article



This research cares of shed light on the fire as a means of protection in the other world of the ancient Egyptian depending on what the recorded texts of the Old Kingdom until the modern state.
We have varied texts of ancient Egyptian describing the fire as a way to protect against the evils and dangers in the other world, so the deceased, especially the good deceased are most in need of protection against the dangers of this world.
 The oldest texts were pyramid texts from the Old Kingdom, and the coffin texts of the Middle Kingdom and then the books of the underworld from the New Kingdom, that reported the fire as one of the most important means of protection of the deceased in the other world from different sources, ranging from snakes including uraeus or of the eye of Horus or some gods with high mighty as the goddess Isis and the means of protection or guarding the deceased by fire or where he is, whether the place was a coffin, compartment or region of the other world, or by burning his enemies in the afterlife.
It is clear that the ancient Egyptians belief that the fire was very powerful way to protect and prevent the evils of their ability to excel both in the other world, whether the gods of the underworld or snakes or traps  allocated to harm the deceased in this world, whether against the deity Ra, such as the serpent Apophis, or against the deceased people.