In The Age Of The Circassian Mamlouk (784-923 AH / 1382-1517 AD)

Document Type : Original Article



The Muslim Arabs conquered   Egypt by the feat commander Amr ibn al-Aas by the year 22 AH / 642 CE, arriving all the Arabs (Bedouins of the Arabian Peninsula) to Egypt to live and settle in its territory, but they preserved their peculiarity Bedouin flagrant characteristics   through their  stability remain, , several years later they begin to  merge with  the Egyptians and they related by marriage to them and even practiced their first profession "agriculture", but this integration came from a small group of Arabs in Egypt not all Arabs, part of them were stick to their  Bedouin traditions in everything through the ages of the Islamic State, in the Mamluk era - especially Jerxa - the relationship has been characterized between Arabs – in the Mamluk period with the ruling authority was a special relation ship which were the rejection and protest in most of the time the Arabs or "Araban" did not forget the long history of Mamluks which was their  slavery, and refused to be lower from whom was slaves before, or even to  be guided from them  and they expressed many revolutions and protests since the first moment to the rule of the Mamluks, eruptions continued throughout the maritime and Jerxa Mamluk periods" those revolutions that would have negative impact on the  political and economic state of the country in
The same manner.
What we must seek  through this paper is an attempt  to shed the light on the nature of the relationship between "Arab" and the ruling power in Egypt during the reign of the "Circassian Mamluk " "الممالیک الجراکسة "specifically, whether the relationship has been the pattern  of obedience or rejection and protest, and what is the  manifestations of this refusal,
And what is the Manifestations of obedience, if existed , with the monitoring of the results of  these two types in general.