The Economic Characteristics of the Jordanian Internal Migrants in 2004

Document Type : Original Article



     Migration is considered a very complex process that is subjected to political, natural, demographic, psychological, cultural, economic and social circumstances. These circumstances tend to crystallize the immigrants" features in such a way as to suit them; the extent and features of immigration are subjected to the interaction between a number of push factors and pull factors. The latter group includes job opportunities, high pay, education and suitable living conditions. The former group includes the lack of job opportunities, poverty, the inability to invest farming areas and the natural disasters. This study aims to identify the economic features of the internal migrants among the kingdoms governorates and it is three regions and to compare them with previous study results. The study has adopted the descriptive statistical analysis and the interpretive approaches using percentages based on previous and current residence-data taken from the 2004 Census of Jordan. The study concluded that a number of results one of the most important of which is that most   internal migrants throughout Jordan work in the serves sector. As for the Employment Status , more than four-fifths of the internal migrants are Paid Employed, in the second place, came those who work for them selves(Self Employed).