Traffic accidents on the highways in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article



The  main objective of  this paper Is to study the concept of traffic accidents , and this  Research focused on  the following topics: -
1- the development of the accidents during the period from 2000 to 2015.
2- the geographic distribution of the accidents on the highways , As well as on the Cairo road with its various sectors.
3- Distribution of accidents on the months of the year.
4-  the geographical factors that cause traffic accidents on highways in Egypt ,  including '  the human , the vehicle , the road'.
5- the types of vehicles causing accidents
Finally , same of the main results of the  research:-
1- The accidents on highways decreased by 40 % during 2000 to 2015 .
2- The study found that Cairo-Alexandria road is one of the most     dangerous highways in Egypt, because  it contributed 28% of the total  number of accidents on highways in Egypt.
3- Analysis of satellite images shows126 intersections on the Cairo-Alexandria road , The spread of these intersections was one of the major  causes of  accidents .
4 – the vehicles cars are responsible for 38% of all accidents in both highways .
5-Accidents in Egypt's highways resulted in more than 4 thousand injured , and 800 deceased. The economic costs of highway accidents in Egypt amounted to1.1 LE  billion
Key words : highways , accidents , vehicles, the rate of severity and cruelty