The Emergence and Development of the Feminist Press in the Center of Ottoman Empire (1869-1921).A Historical Study

Document Type : Original Article



The press appeared in the Ottoman Empire during the second half of the nineteenth century in response to the requirements imposed by the change of the situations of the state at that stage. The feminist press took its place among the newspapers in conjunction with the attention devoted to the issue of women, and discussed all the topics related to women and their status. The feminist press was able to put their mark on the cultural, social and economic life of women, and prepared for the change of their political status with the end of the Ottoman Empire and the beginning of the Turkish Republic.
The research aimed to study the history of the feminist press published in the Ottoman language (Old Turkish) at the center of the Ottoman Empire, from the emergence of the first feminist newspaper to the collapse of the Ottoman Sultanate. The topic was covered through four axes; the first give a general idea of press in the Ottoman Empire, the second was about the emergence of feminist press, its development through the third axis, while the fourth dealt with the most important topics that the feminist press during the specified period of research. Through the research, we tried to provide an answer of many questions such as what are their goals? What is the nature of women's contribution in it? We also sought to give a good idea about the most important intellectual theses in the feminist press and the debates that raised on it.


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