Amīr Silāḥ during the Mamlūk Period (648-923/1250-1517)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Lecturer- Faculty of Arts – Ain Šams University – Tourism Guidance Department.


        Amīr silāḥ, grand master of the armour, it consists of two terms which are amīr that is used as a name of a post or referring to an order or rank or a honorary title as it was appeared with these designations in monumental inscriptions upon the Islamic monuments. While the other term is silāḥ, weapon, which is a fighting instrument and it is masculine which can be feminized(1).
        This language formula is different from other Mamlūk posts' formulas, which composed of the title amīr such as amīr dawādār(2), amīr ra's nawba(3), amīr ḫaẓindār(4). The title amīr is added to the name of silāḥ, weapon instrument, while those other titles have the word amīr which is added to the name of the post(5) (pen-box holder , dawādār , chief of the corps,ra's nawba, treasurer, ḫaẓindār).

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