The mission of the moral philosopher Noel Smith

Document Type : Original Article



The research tries to present the viewpoint of the English philosopher "Nowell Smith" about the role of the moral philosopher in clarifying concepts, values ​​and ethical principles, and clarifying the relationships between them, which represents the theoretical aspect of the philosopher's mission in addition to the practical aspect represented in helping individuals understand moral phenomena in all their aspects. - To some extent - and realizing its impact on their lives; this is through the use of the analytical method in dealing with the following elements:

Smith's concept of theoretical and practical sciences.
Religion clarifies the practical nature of morality.
Smith's Ethics and Politics.
Scientific Ethics.
Smith's view about Empiricism and Subjectivism.
Utilitarianism according to "Smith"
Teaching Ethics.

We then conclude that "Smith" affirms that the philosophy of morality is a "practical science," and that there are similarities between moral and legal rules, and that the task of the moral philosopher is not to provide a manual of guidelines and rules, but rather to help individuals answer the moral questions that arose as a result of development. The tremendous scientific and social change, and the emphasis on the importance of teaching a philosophy of ethics to individuals to help them in the decision-making process regarding the ethical problems they face in their practical lives.

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