The Differentiating Ability of Wechsler Scale (Fourth Edition) When Compared With Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale (Fifth Edition) For Children With Learning Disability

Document Type : Original Article



The purpose of this study is to identify the differentiating ability of Wechsler scale fourth edition in differentiating learning disability cases when compared with Binet scale fifth edition and to identify the distinguished cognitive areas in children with learning disability on both scales. 
The sample of this study is composed of 30 students, 19 of them are males while 11 are females. The age ranges between 9-12 years, with an average age of 10.06 for males with a standard deviation of 0.88, and an average age of 10.13 for females with a standard deviation of 0.84.
Social and Economic Level scale and difficult reading scale for children and adolescents were used in this study. Also, the Battery of Assessment and Diagnostic scales for academic learning disability was used in this study. Additionally, Wechsler scale for children and adolescents fourth edition (6-16 years) as well as Binet scale fifth edition were used in this study.
The results of this study showed that the average of the total score in Binet scale fifth edition was higher than the average total score of Wechsler scale. There is a correlation between Wechsler scale fourth edition and difficult reading in total score and the Verbal Comprehension Index(VIQ) and Perceptual Reasoning Index (PIQ) when compared with the correlation in Binet scale and learning disability in analyzing inference. The results of this study indicate that there is a differentiation ability for Wechsler scale fourth edition in differentiating learning disability cases when compared with Binet scale fifth edition.

Main Subjects