The Crisis of Values in the Light of the Social and Political Transformations in the Egyptian Society A Field Study in Mansoura University

Document Type : Original Article



This study dealt with shedding light on the effect resulting from social and political transformations in the Egyptian society recently, the most prominent of which was the January 25 revolution and its impact on the values ​​of society and its implications for the behavior of young people. And its manifestations, and its historical, economic, social and cultural dimensions, in addition to the political, legislative, administrative and security dimensions, with the aim of trying to develop a strategic vision that helps to overcome the crisis of values ​​or mitigate its negative effects on society. The Egyptian.
The results of the research concluded that the vast majority of respondents, the study sample in theoretical and practical colleges, see that the value crisis worsened after the revolution, and you see that the January 25 revolution has had negative effects on the values ​​of society.

Main Subjects