Textual Cohesion in “Lameyat Al ‘Ajam” by Al Taghrani

Document Type : Original Article



 Lamyat of the Foreigners achieved wide fame ensured her immortality in the Arab poetic heritage in the minds of Arabs interested in eloquent Arabic poetry and history, It has made it traded focus of attention of researchers and scholars in different time stages, Then exported dozens of studies that dealt with an explanation and analysis, However, this does not prevent the continued provision of decent literary studies of its status, the contribution of this study came to see the manifestation of cohesion in the text of the poem through a standard foundries and knitting, And stand on the most prominent linguistic and semantic features that ensure the immortality for the poem .
    Photos cohesion has been studied in two two sections, the first foundries two parts: grammar and the promise of (arrived and separated referrals and delete) and lexical and the promise of (repeat and cuddle). Secondly, knitting and of its (lexical semantic linking, implicit relationships in the text), In both directions researchers study to highlight the impact on cohesion text and link text parts with each other.
   It showed the results of the study: Rotation letters connectivity in all parts of the poetic text differently, It came "waw" most roses, compared to characters "or" who received only twice, while the letters "Mother," "but did not respond." "But," never. It appeared that focal character (Waw) sympathy verses with each other, and the kindness of Alohtar too, and the kindness of the camel, and the kindness of linguistic diodes, nouns and verbs. Which  achieved a cohesive and coherent between the parts of the text at the level of the floor and installation and major infrastructure.
    The separators for deletion important role in the cohesion which benefited brevity, and the abundance of meanings in the mind of the poet in the classroom wholesale interceptors, as well as the command in the referral, both text and Almqamah, and its important role in linking the parties sentences and their parts, and emerged repeating a prominent feature in most citizen text, which spread the spirit of the movement in it, and make it a living text from beginning to end.