Women’s rights in property ownership and its resources. A balanced legal doctrinal study

Document Type : Original Article



This research seeks to show the right of women to own property and its resources, and how Islam has ensured this right as this right was nothingness by approving, protecting and enabling women of that right through the definition of the right, the property and, money, and the extension of the legislative basis for this right, then clarifying this right and establishing its resources.
And it ended the set of results including:

oApproving the right of woman to own property in the Qur'an, Sunnah, the consensus and rational.
oThe woman in Islam enjoys financial disclosure and is free to dispose of her own money, and no one has the authority to prevent her from doing so.
oTexts included in the private financial transactions for men and women are alike, and there is no impediment or mental or legal obstacles prevent women from the right of owning.
oThe inheritance and dowry, work and gain are considered from financial assets of women and other sources vary and contribute to form the financial wealth of the woman like fare, nursery, feeding, housing, furniture, home toil, seeking and others.
oIn case the woman gets her full financial rights which the wise ruler endowed her and enabled her to overcome the obstacles of getting them and activating the legislative texts by the generous ruler to find guarantees for that, I firmly believe that women will be richer than men and getting hold than them.