Tolerance and Societal peace in the Quran

Document Type : Original Article



Shown in this study is the approach Allah took in building the base of peace in the nation of Islam and the advantage of this word (nation) in Islamic and Quranic terminology instead of the word (community), and so it is demonstrated that the meaning of submission and surrender and the meaning of Islam are intertwined. Whoever believes in Allah and the last day is from the viewpoint of the Quran, a Muslim. The Quran describes all the prophets and their followers of Islam, and it is known that the word “jihad” is a broad concept that-contrary to popular belief- aims to establish a base of peace between members of the nation, whether they believe in him or chose to live in the darkness. People living in peace with Muslim nations must understand that killing is an extreme method of jihad that is used as an absolute last resort. Muslims are required by Islam to provide help to people who have been wronged and defend them. This should always be done according to the guidelines that are set by Islamic Sharyah laws.