The Features of change in the Manufacture of Handmade silk carpets: An Anthropological Study in an Egyptian village

Document Type : Original Article



The study aims to recognize the features of change in making the manual silk carpet in one of the villages in mounofia
The study is based on the historical and anthropological methodology ( of research ) . in addition , the researcher used some tools and sources for collecting the field material including observation with its two kinds : meetings and giving information photography and formal statistics .
The study has come to some results :
Mostly important :-
1-      The study has shown the change in the shape of the factory according to the number of Looms and their measurement and the number of manufacturers and the raw materials used for making  carpets .
2-      Child workers are considered productive power that is difficult the dispense with / do with out
3-      Women plays an important role in making carpets especially the wife , whereas making carpets represents the most important productive role that can't be ignored .
4-      The conditions that the country has gave the rough shortly after the January 25 revolution , 2001 have led to the deterioration of the process of tourist marketing
5-      There are a lot of problems facing this industry including the high prices of the raw materials .
6-      Which are used and the decline of the marketing process in addition to some diseases related to this industry.
The most important recommendations.

The state must be concerned with providing the raw materials in addition to setting up a marketing system for the product .
It's crucial to be aware of the requirements of the local and international market in addition to providing new designs and inscription that match with / cope with the other international cultures.
It's a must to monitor / keep an eye on the process of the product according to perfection and good quality ta be able to / so that we can complete the international market.

Main Subjects