Relationship Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi state Qarakhanid (387-421 AH / 997-1030 AD)

Document Type : Original Article



In 320 AH / 932 AD when  many tribes of the Turks converted to Islam, the result Of that Is the appearance of the first Turkish Muslim country that faced to Turkish east, which is Qarakhanid state, that begun to fight the enemies of Islam , especially the neighbors have Turks pagans.
               The relationship between Ghaznawids ( 351-582h / 962-1186m ) and Alaqrakhanian ( 320-609h / 932-1212m ) passed in several phases , and varied between hostility sometimes, and other times friendliness , hostility came as a result of conflicts of interests , competition for state property Samani where the aspiration of both teams to extend their influence and control of several areas in the country beyond the river.
Through a friendliness stage both sides sought to consolidate the ties of friendship and peace through political affinity between the Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni and Alqrkhanian.
That relationship founded a wide a political, religious, military and cultural effects, effected in the Mashreq Al Islami which extend for several centuries