Religious conflict and its impact on the industry in narrative prose book Durr (In lectures for Abe 421 AH)

Document Type : Original Article



Religious conflict remains one of the factors that play a role in the march of humanity  as well as the Arab-Islamic civilization in which the fourth and fifth Hijri centuries witnessed. Al-Abi (421 H) was one of the their speakers. He  directed his attention  to prose texts created by the religious and political Imams of the nation, which represented the basis  of conflict regarding government parties. Moreover, those texts represented the excelled speeches, letters, and replies, and news, as well as what produced by the nation of popular literature such as anecdotes, tales and dreams. Al-Abi provided  his dignified book ' Nathr Al-Dur' (scattering pearls in lectures) to address  the readers trying to persuade them to what he sees  by employing different types of narratives after creating an innovation. His creative methods are: (a) coming up with strange events: he adds odds to the narrative  to attract the receiver, and to gather support, (b) the deletion of narrative: if the narrative includes what counters his beliefs it will be deleted and then re-employ it (c) change the theme in the narrative:  he tackles the text center, and changes it then re-employs it (d) addition to the narrative: he adds an event, a person or something else to change its task. (e) repeating texts: to repeat by mentioning the narrative, as in the literature books, then reminding after changing the task, (f) splitting texts then  compiling it: he  tackles a narrative then divides it into texts, isolating events from each other, which helps to re-employ it. Moreover, he compiles many narratives in a single one then changes them to be shown into different entity  (g) creativity of texts: here comes the peak of creativity as never shown before and employs it in his religious struggle .