Sugar and Its Factories in Egypt in Mamluk Period (648-923H /1250-1517AD)

Document Type : Original Article



               This research deals The sugar and its factories during the Mamluk period because of its importance in all aspects of Egyptian society in that period. The search began with an introduction about the importance of sugar, then the researcher talked about the places the cultivation of sugar cane, as well as Mills and factories, then various ways of sugar consumption, such as holidays and celebrations and pilgrimage season and means of entertainment ... etc.
               Then, the researcher studied the prices of sugar and thefluctuation of its prices up and down depending on market supply and demand, then studied the Factors that controls the prices of sugar, dividing it to natural factors such as wind, rain and human factors such as monopoly, which was followed by some of the sultans and princes for this critical commodity, at the end the researcher discoursed the reflection  of sugar and its terminology in the literature of the Mamluk period, the search Annotated overall
conclusion in which the most important findings of the research, in addition to many supplements that serve the subject.