Manifestations of religious and literary intertextuality in the poetry Ibn Khafajah Andalusian Technical study

Document Type : Original Article



This study deals with a new technique in Arabic poetry, which are manifestations of religious and literary intersexuality in the hair Ibn Khafajah Andalusian, was chosen for this poet because he is one of the most prominent Andalus poets who hired intersexuality in their hair. The study came in two aspects, the first side of the theoretical, who cares about the concept of intersexuality, and its mechanisms, and side Applied, who cared religious and literary in poetic texts Ibn Khafajah, the approach taken by the study is descriptive and analytical approach to suit them with such a study ,. The study concluded that the Son of  Ibn Khafajah kind of  intertextuality with the old absent in his poetry texts, especially the Koran texts, and Suspension some texts with the texts of the poets who preceded him, this does not mean that was limited to a specific form of intertextuality even type in intertextuality and Used nicer hiring.
