Virtue and Vice according to Abu Al-Tayyib Al Mutanabbi

Document Type : Original Article



The great Arabic language poet Abu Tayeb Ahmed son of Al Hussein son of Al Hassan son of Abdel Samad, the greatest Arab poets undisputedly, and he is the most one of them that was a master of and able to recruit language of the Arabs. He was known for his extreme ambition and pride, and a large part of his poetry revolves in the orbit of wisdom and self-esteem.
Al Mutanabbi's poems were mixed with virtues and vices as he mentioned many of the virtues of princes and kings such as the courage and bravery in wars, the preservation of the dignity, generosity and self-glory as they awarded him grants and gifts, and suddenly he started to satirize them, mentioning their vices and describing them as they are in real life alongside with qualities they are not attributed them when they stop granting him donations and gifts. We found him satirizes Kamphor who has been already praised by him through a poem when he left Egypt as he went there in year "three hundred and forty six" to praise Kamphor Al Ikhchidi, who promised him to undertake some of his works, and when he found out that the poet was overreacting in his poetry and he is so arrogant, Al Ikhchidi was afraid of him, and many persons admonishes him for letting that poet be close to him, He said: O my people who claimed prophethood after Muhammad (r) he may claims the reign of Kingdom with Kamphor? So stay away from him. So, if Kaphor was satisfied with the poet Al Mutanabi, he would promise him with an emirate as he hoped of reign of political emirate such as the Emirate of Saif Al Dawla in the Levant in order to have a council like him in which the poets and writers are meeting together, to praise him and compete him through poetry in order to gain something of his pride that was wounded in the Council of State of Saif Al Dawla in the Levant. On the night of Eid Al-Adha festival, he left Egypt heading to Persia to praise Adud Al Dawla son of Boya Al Daiyli. This the target of study as it aimes to identify the virtue and vice in the poetry of the great Arab poet Abu Al Mutanabbi and the study will obviously tackle the personality of Al Mutanabbi and his personal circumstances of which undoubtedly influenced his qualities and features which reflected on his poetry, and this had an impact on his viewpoints towards the surrounding things, and in his attitude towards the virtue and vice.