Islamic Worldview, According To "Ali Shariati"

Document Type : Original Article



          The World vision is one of the most important issues, which get interested in by the modern thoughts schools. Because it defines their view of the God, human and world. Ali shariati, Believed that there is correlation between the social method and religious method, and changes for one of this two methods will reflected on the other. Therefore believes that the social changes that have occurred in Iranian society led to a state of inconsistent within the Muslim Shiite religious method; in order to justify the social and political reality. Thus, the results of the change in the social system is the change also in the World vision of the society, It then determines the extent of its failure or progress from other communities. This research is trying to show the corrective vision which is provided by Shariati to the Islamic World vision in order to correct the social method inside his Iranian Islamic Shiite community. This study base on several methodology including "Descriptive approach"  which attend in follow the phenomena and collect the information and notices about it, the "Social approach" also to interpretation and analyzation this phenomena according thought studies and Sociology of  Religion.