Political and social conditions in the Indian sub-continent (since 1857 liberation revolution and even division 1947)

Document Type : Original Article



The people of the Indian sub-continent suffered for a long time under the British occupation of country, Thus, immediately, its people started to resist the colonizers who looted the country’s wealth, and treated its people as servants and slaves. Therefor, the national revolution broke out in 1857, and it was about to achieve its goals, but because of the bad planning, which was mingled, the revolution was put down. After the suppression of this revolution, the Britich worked on dividing the Indians into sects and groups that fight each other, especially between Muslims and Hindus, and they succeeded to a great extent, as a result, the poison of fanaticism and sectarianism fire spread among both sides. This eventually led to the division of the country in 1947 according to religion basis into two states : State in the north called Pakistan as a national homeland for the Muslims, and a state in the center and south, and ut would be a homeland for Hindus and other communities .