The City of Taif under the Rule of Mohamed Ali: A Study of Political and Administrative Conditions

Document Type : Original Article



The study aims at identifying some political and administrative conditions in Taif during the reign of Mohamed Ali between 1813-1840 (1228-1256 Hijri). It attempts to reveal Taif’s difficult conditions due the severity of the inhuman, political and administrative stipulations of that time. Taif strategic location, the role played by its tribes in the conflict between Ashrafs, rebels against Mohamed Ali, and the new reigning styles are proven significant in shaping up the general conditions in Taif. The present paper employs the descriptive-analytical-historical approach which contributes to its findings some of which are: Ali’s realization of the significance of Taif and its tribes support, and his keen desire to construct a military base there. Another conclusion is highlighting a feature of the present epoch: multiple revolutions of Taif tribes due to the ruthlessness of Ali’s treatment with its people, his distribution and division of responsibilities among its pioneers, and his coupling of Taif administration with that in Cairo.

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