Returning to delinquency and its relationship to some social variables A case study on a specimen of delinquents at the male and female social care institutions in Dakahliya

Document Type : Original Article



The present study has sought to spotlight the relationship between returning to delinquency and some social variables such as family, poverty and friends group. The study has employed the descriptive analytical method and has used the case study tool on twenty four cases of returned male and female delinquents (sixteen males and eight females. The study is based upon theoretical approaches among which are social control, relative deprivation, differential association and stigma.
The results have shed light on several factors that lead to returning to delinquency. Chief among these are parents severity against and negligence of their children. The poor relationship between the delinquents and their families during their stays at the institutions and differentially associating with other delinquents. On the other  hand, the types of returning to delinquency are determined on a general return basis in which delinquents return to crimes different from the ones committed before.