Despotism: the Controversy of Submission and Revolt in Egyptian Thought: A Socio- Historical Study

Document Type : Original Article



We saw   how  Egypt was governed  by foreigners  since  525  .b.c  ; starting by Persians & ending by the British ,mandate   for   two thousand  and  five hundred  years which led to the  contuity of  the  centuries of despotism  after long years of  secreting   the  negative  political   ethics  & the positive values as well  . such  negative values  that are ; represented  in submission ;  obedience  -escapism; withdrawal ; apathy and  weakness  versus the   positive values  of the  revolutionary   ethics  & rebellion  ;  facing  situations  ,  courage;  boldness  ; and the sense of initiative
               This   came as a result of the historical experience  of the  Egyptian community ; as   negativity l & apathy or patience  controlled or   dominated   & standing still  as a witness or an on-looker till things  change seemed the  norm- or worse still ": ;  to act  as a  hypocrite  in front of the  giant or mighty master to  gain  benefits
            Also Egyptians  used  some hidden methods to  combat the tyrant as   laziness and vandalism or  symbolic  actions as   jokes and  rumors  this created a duality  in  the relationship  ; and an apparent submission  and  hidden  antagonism; the most clear paradox   being  the   deception;  hypocrisy  &  maneuvering  ; lying & misleading ; therefore Egyptians  used the   method of the despotic  master  & they spoke to him in his own language  ;  using  laziness; deception; misleading  ; as  linguistic tools  that they  use when they address  him
                 Also the Egyptians  used other methods of   peaceful combat as deserting lands  and  burning ;   destroying crops  &   violet methods as rebellion; revolts & insurrections