The multiple aspects of morphology in the interpretation of the words of the Noble Qur’an What did (verb) do as a model? (Multifaceted, verb)

Document Type : Original Article



is a multifaceted issue certain linguistic commonplace and familiar in Arabic as its passport and styles abounded multifaceted per issue, and the widespread phenomenon of multiple morphological aspects in terms of Quran and comprehensiveness of morphological structures all sufficiency decided here to study Koranic words That came on the formula (do) open f and stillness of the eye. This formula is the most common formulas used in the Arab Word for lightly built because of the limited number of characters and punish light movements, mostly construction examples come in Arabic signifi deterministic intolerable but one face comes a name: Baker, and a record of the infringing act of the father And August first, second, third and fourth function comes on some qualities: easy. And this many morphological examples abounded in the Koran even exceeded (300) Word and many meanings, chose five words for analytical study saw enough to clear the idea of research that opens the way to other similar studies in methodology and results                      

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