Features of Cultural Identity in Arab Children’s Theater

Document Type : Original Article



Children are one of the most important pillars of progress and advancement for any nation. Arabic child is exposed to cultural invasion because of multiple satellite channels, and the massive technological development in the field of computer and Internet. Those changes come as a result of Western culture that has all the elements of cultural invasion, and it became necessary to meet those challenges against the cultural globalization era that is haunting children everywhere. It also threatens them with the loss of their cultural identities.
The importance of this study lies in the discussion of the cultural identity problems for Arab children, in light of cultural invasion challenges; the study also shed the light on the different features of cultural identity of the theater of Arab Child, and theater’s role in promoting cultural identity of the child.
The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach in his descriptive study in order to analyze an Arab Children's Theatre transcript sample, answering the main question: What are the features of cultural identity in the transcript of the Arab children's theater?
The researcher has found some of the most important results as follows:
1-    Children's theater contributes in the formation of Arab child’s identity through spreading values ​​, customs and traditions, in children spirits, in addition to its ability to inspire the ideas of heritage and history, Children’s theater also enlighten children with their Arabic community issues.
2-     Some children’s theatre authors emphasize on the study of cultural invasion effects, and the ability to utilize deferent types of Arabic heritage in children’s plays, after developing child heritage to match the requirements of modernity.
3-    Most of children’s theatre authors attention to the great technological development, which pursues a child today, especially the massive and rapid developments in the field of electronic communications and culture, which has dominated the child for the time being.
4-    Most of the plays of the children focused on the confirmation of the positive values such as the importance of knowledge, and the role of science and scientists, etc, and also renounced some of the negative behaviors, in order to emphasize the Arab values.