Persian Language and Tajik Identity

Document Type : Original Article



The research under study revolves around the role of the Persian language in forming the Tajik identity, and the research has been followed in discussing this issue the historical methodology and the extrapolation of events by standing on the considered historical sources in Persian .Tajik and Russian languages. The research found a number of results, including:
1- The effects of dividing the Central Asian to independent republics of nationalities and different conflicts in this region, and led to the fragmentation of the peoples of the region and left disabled from taking common positions against the Soviets
2- The identity crisis began in Tajikistan since the division of the borders in 1924. Stalin was deliberately breach of ethnic and national factors, to ensure control of the Central Asian states, including Tajikistan.
3- The Soviets used the means of education and culture to weaken the national cultures of the Soviet people, and the promotion of Russian  culture in stead of it , so the Marxist ideology controlled the scientific and cultural affairs as a basic premise of communism and it was adopted as a basic rule of inference in all the humanities.
4- The national languages of the drained peoples fall under Soviet occupation represents a bulwark and a major obstacle to the implementation of the schemes in the elimination of the Soviet peoples' identity
5- The Soviets policy toward the Persian language took two main tracks; first is trapping the Persian language and isolating it from its history and their speakers in other countries, and thus failing to meet the requirements of the era, and in parallel with this isolation, the other direction comes by publishing the Russian language and intercalating instead of Persian in all of life aspects. it
6- after the failure of attempts to build the identity on an ethnic basis, the Tajiks tried to create their identity, relying on their Persian language, but this is difficult in Central Asia, where there can't be a consensus on the language of any country, most of the republics speak two or more languages, languages  , the Tajik people speak different dialects of Persian , and some of them speak the Uzbek language, which increases the difficulty of attempts to build the identity that relied on language.
7- Tajik the nationality residing in the state are less than who existing outside, which increase the difficulty of finding the national sense in the Tajik's community's in Tajikistan. Thus, the homeland of Tajik failed to achieve their identity and nationalism .