The Problematic of Writing Kuwaiti History (1967-1959 AD): An incomplete Historical Project

Document Type : Original Article



This study comes as one of the first studies discussing and dealing with the issue of how to write the official history of Kuwait, which sponsored by the country in 1959. The study discusses how to form and composition the Writing Kuwait History Committee. That took it upon themselves to write the official history of the emirate and set the goals. The study dealt with the work of this committee and the selection of its members. Also exposed analysis and question the motives and the reasons that led to the selection of an Iraqi historian at the beginning of the counter to write the history of Kuwait and it was finished by chose the Palestinian scholar (Ahmed Mustafa Abu Hakima) to complete the task. As well as discuss the reasons that led to the cessation of the Committee activity for the period from 1960 to 1965, and was the period of two years after the commissioning of the Palestinian researcher Abu Hakima enough to get out the book in a satisfactory manner for the Commission in the year 1967?. Does the Commission have succeeded in providing the author expresses the history of the emirate, and clarify the facts, and firming the confidence of generations on their history, denying the allegations and unfounded allegations about it, or not? . we can say that when we recognizing the form and composition of Writing Kuwait History Committee and how to deal with this task till the outher see  daylight, Perhaps now we can understand how they wrote the (the official)  Modern History of Kuwait

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