Violators of Residency System in Saudi Society between Social and Criminal Risks

Document Type : Original Article



The study aims to identify  the reality of the social and criminal risks for violators of residency system in Saudi Arabia.  It  adopts the descriptive approach through collecting statistical and social indicators on this phenomenon and seriousness of its criminal and social implications. The study indicates that violators of residency system represent a social threat to Saudi Arabia on the security, political, social, and economic levels.  The  most prominent of these threats is that  they commit many crimes and form criminal gangs. The study asserts that  the government of Saudi Arabia make tangible efforts to limit these  threats, but they do not succeed in reducing them  entirely. It  also states that the best scientific and practical methods for the prevention of such risks  is the adoption of  integrative precautionary approach.  Finally, the study makes a set of recommendations and suggestions that will contribute to reducing the risks of this category.

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