Hermeneutics in the Light of Linguistics and Reception Theory

Document Type : Original Article



This research discusses :
1. The appearance of linguistic,  study  by "De Saussure The development of this study in upcoming stages by American school, which was limited to Morphological study .
2.  Appearance of the school Transformational Generative, which added an interpretation  to the structure.as a result, the  functional methods appeared , or rather,  the study of language's  function in the community. therefore , the Linguistic pragmatics , discourse analysis and social Linguistics grew up that  led to the care of  non-linguistic context and implicite meanings in the text .  
3. The appearance of herminutics as a method explains the interpretation of the text in light of  the morphological bases and implicite meanings , after it was limited to the interpretation of religious texts only . Then Study development of herminutics, and it's techniques in the upcoming stages, eventually, the care of the recipient .because the recipient who reproduces the meaning of the text . Thus, the reception theory has arised, which opened a new horizon in the area of interpretation.   
4. Ezer produced new direction - on the contrary of  other trends, which saw the relationship between the text and its recipient is going in one direction - he saw that the process of Reception is in two-ways; from the text to the recipient, and Vice versa . As far as the text gives the recipient, the recipient gives new dimensions , may not be presented in the text. 

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