Folkloric Nature of the rajaz poem by Bashar ibn Burd "Debris of the neighborhood of thati-s-samadi

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Arabic, Faculty of Arts, University. Sohag


The urjuza of Bashar ibn Burd has received a lot of critical acclaim and has had a strong impact on later didactic rajaz poems by other poets. Bashar wrote the poem in such a manner as to give it all characteristics of a distinguished piece of poetry. One aspect of the poem upon which its distinction rests is its folkloric nature. This study explores this aspect, how the poet creates this nature, how it contributes to the quality of the poem and the basis on which it is employed in the poem. In order to answer these questions, the study moves from a close reading to a comprehensive one, zooming in and out on the poem.
                        Through his mastery, the poet was the leading figure, not only in standard poetry, but also in popularizing the urjuza genre and in manipulating folklore in Abbasid literature. Folklore is part and parcel of the urjuza by ibn Burd and any study of folklore in urjuza should start with him as well. Ibn Burd was  a talented, clever horse-rider of Pegasus and remained so till the end where he reached a peak of accomplishment.
The folkloric aspect of the poem is an important reason for is popularity and in the works of Ibn Burd at large. This part of his poetry merits further serious research into its nature, tools and manifestations.