Crushed Identities in Jean Genet’s The Maids

Document Type : Original Article


Department of English -Mu’tah University - Karak- Jordan


The present study sheds light on Jean Genet’s craftsmanship of transforming a simple story that revolves around the love- hate relationship between two housemaid sisters and their mistress into a   complicated philosophical issue vis-a-vis the crushed identities of the play’s characters: Claire, Solange, Madame and Monsieur. The study also shows that the identities of the play’s characters   are already crushed beyond repair.  So they are no longer in search of identities as some critics would like us to believe.  Genet’s dramatic   achievement lies in his genuine move to elevate the reader to be able to catch the message of the Absurd.  As the paper will argue, the two maids represent human’s vain attempts to reach any sense of identity.  Every human is always a potential candidate to become   Claire, Solange, Madame or  Monsieur.