Phonetic repetition and its role in textual coherence An analytical study in the poetry of Gran Oud Numayri

Document Type : Original Article



Thisstudy is entitled: "Phonetic Repetition and its Role in TextualCoherence: an Analytical Study in the Poetry of Gran Aloud Alnumeiri".It is based on studying the rhetoric images of the repetitive feature characterizing the poetry of Gran Aloud Alnumeiri andexplaining its role in the coherence and cohesion of the poetic text in the textual theory, and its suitability for Arabicpoetry; taking anadvantage of the data of the textual linguistic lesson and applying this tothe poetry of Gran Aloud in order to achieve cohesion in its parts, and indicating the style of the poet in explainingthe characteristics of his poetry and its features.Thisstudy is an intertextual combination oftextuality and rhetoric, and thiscollaboration is what the study of literary texts requires.It aims at clarifying the role of rhetorical images with the repetitive features - regarding the recurrence of the end of the line with its beginning, slowness, repetition, reiteration, and the repetition of the word - in the coherence and cohesion ofGran Aloud’spoetry. This study follows the descriptive approach based on the data of textuality, and explainingthe points of interconnections, coherence, description, and analysis through monitoring and classifying their commonality in Gran Aloud’s poetry;and then analyzing and describing them according to the literary heritage and the contemporary rhetorical lesson.The nature of this study required the division of itscontent into five chapters proceeded by an introduction and an outline and followed by a conclusion and the most important sources and references.

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