Neighborhood in the Prophet's biography

Document Type : Original Article



The main objective of this research is to shed light on the neighborhood in the Prophet’s biography, by tracking the events of the biography of the Prophet and his esteemed companions, and highlighting the positions related to this principle and this social law, which became binding on all Muslims after the Prophet approved it in the Medina Document. This will include the Meccan and Medinan periods. The approach used in this research will be the historical approach, which relies mainly on extrapolation and combines description and analysis. Among the most important questions that the research attempted to discuss are the following: What is the concept of neighborhood among Arabs before Islam? What is his social importance to them? What are his goals and motives? Then what is Islam's position on it? What is the extent of Muslims' commitment to it after the Prophet approved it in the Medina Document? And other questions that will be raised and discussed in detail in these papers. This research has been divided into an introduction, a preamble, and three topics. The first topic was devoted to talking about neighborhood in Islam, and the second topic was talking about neighborhood in the Meccan era, while the third topic was devoted to talking about neighborhood in the Medinan era, then the conclusion that included the most important and the most prominent results reached in this research.

Main Subjects