Direct and indirect effects of brain washing in light of Islamic jurisprudence and Jordanian penal code

Document Type : Original Article



The research aims to identify the direct and indirect effects on brainwashing compared to the jordanian penal code and islamic jurisprudence. The importance of research is the consequences of changing ideas and trends. The many effects have a different degree of impact on the consciousness of the mind, and may have direct effects, or indirect. The results of the research are that the evolution of the means of communication and communication has a role in brainwashing, and that the adoption of opinion or thought generates many direct and indirect effects of the phenomenon of brainwashing, and the islamic law and jordanian legislation, the result of the act of brainwashing, in addition, there are some acts that may be included in the act of brainwashing. This is the theory of the moral agent and the crime of incitement. The current research should address all acts of brainwashing, especially deviant ones, canonic faced, given the special nature of those acts which may not be compatible with the provisions of general rules, and should fit in such legislation with all the developments taking place in society

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