Demonstration Law and Social Reality: A Study of Sociological Law Making



The study determined the problem in the discussion and analysis of "extent to which Demonstrate Law on the social reality in Egyptian society" as an example of the extent of correlation between law  making and social reality.
            If the concept of freedom in Egypt after the revolution of " 25 January 2011 and 30 June 2013" may different, and now every citizen feels right legal to express his opinion in peaceful demonstrate - while ensuring the protection of institutions and public installations - was necessary to pass a demonstrate  law defines frameworks to ensure that the citizen to exercise their right and the State to respect and prestige at the same time., but the question that arises in this regard Is new Demonstrate Law - 107 for the year 2013 - expresses the social reality in Egyptian society after the revolution of 25 January, 2011 and subsequent waves of revolutionary? That's what shape a fundamental premise of the current study.