The Effects of the Second World War on the Agricultural Exploitation of Libya (1939 – 1945)



World War II had a clear impact on agricultural activity in the country, the State of war that has engulfed the region wide agricultural damage resulting in disabling most types of agricultural activity especially in the eastern part of the country.
            Perhaps the issue that had a clear impact on agricultural activity (mine) that were planted in the country especially in Libyan Cyrenaica led to crashes in the territory's economic development plan and of the last war damaged wide Italian agricultural colonization projects created severe pressure on local production, particularly after the cessation of production at Italian farms.
            Despite attempts by new foreign administrations improve the conditions of agriculture in the country, but those attempts continued to face significant shortages of machinery, agricultural equipment, and capital, making the agricultural situation in the country too late, and the situation continues as it is until the early 1950s.
            Through this research we will under all circumstances affecting the country's agricultural situation, the Libyan period (1939-1945) in accordance with what we have of scientific material.