Key Features of the Ottoman Empire and the Features of Reformist Thinking until the Beginning of the Eighteenth Century (The Tulip Era)



The research shows and presents the most important and key features that characterized the Ottoman State since its inception in 1299 AD / 699 AH, until the early beginning of the eighteenth century, as well as review the reasons and factors of weakness that has surrounded the state and contributed in its delay and stumble.Then the research summarizes a number of reformist ideas that tried to offer some solutions to the problems that were facing the Ottoman Empire in order to work on the restoration of its recovery again. The research depended on a historical approach through the exploration of events and the awareness of the different Turkish, English and Arabic sources and references.      
The most important and key features of the Ottoman Empire were:
-       Commitment to Islamic law in the management of state affairs.
-       Shura Consultation with religious scholars and statesmen.
-       Taking care of the Clergy and put them in their deserving place.
-       Jihad for the sake of Allah, and taking care of soldiers.
The most important causes of vulnerability divided into internal and external reasons. The reasons of vulnerabilityvaried between the corruption of the central administration in the state, and the lack of political experience among some of the sultans, in addition to the poor conditions of the Ottoman army and navy, and the deterioration of the financial situation and economic conditions in general. The repeated defeats, which the State suffered from, were also the powerful factors that imposed and caused a falling situation to the state between the surrounding countries.
Then began the attempts of reform through the tries of some of the intellectuals and Ottoman's statesmen; among them were "Lotfy Pasha", Hassan Kafi Al Aqahsari", and "Quggi Bey." They wrote their reformist thought and submitted it to the sultans to contribute in offering solution of the reasons for the falling of the State.          
The research is trying to contribute in the monitoring of the important historical period of the age of the Ottoman Empire, in which its impact was not limited to the Ottoman State, but also to the whole world.