Lilt and Shun Meters in Arabic and Persian: A Contrastive Study

Document Type : Original Article



This study explores two meters which are commonly used in both Arabic and Persian:
(1) The Hajaz meter which is widely used in Persian.
(2) The Rajaz meter which is widely used in Arabic.
The phonetic resemblance and form similarity between both Arabic and Persian mainly contributed to composing Persian poetry using Arabic measures and meters which are the origins.  Persians used all the Arabic prosodic terminology starting from naming poetic meters and their tafāʿīls, zihafs, sākins (vowels), ʿarūḍs and durūbs; however, they made some additions as it is shown in the applied examples throughout this study. Thus, the study mainly aims at showing the similarities and differences between the two prosodies: Arabic and Persian. Moreover, it shows the additions made by Persian poets to Arabic prosody. The study consists of five topics:
(1) The Hajaz meter in Arabic.
(2) The Rajaz meter in Arabic.
(3) The Hajaz meter in Persian.
(4) The Rajaz meter in Persian.
(5) Similarities and differences between Arabic and Persian.

Main Subjects